MMMM: No alternative, getting started, telling your story and festival antics.

Things to make you go MMMM on Thursday by Darien J 

"To inspire and encourage electronic artists to make, manage and market music every day."

Aoril 20, 2023

Happy MMMM Thursday!

3 thoughts on making, managing and marketing your music and one on mine.

“Making art hurts. But it’s better than the alternative.” —Seth Godin

"It's rarely doing the work that is hard, it's starting the work. Once you begin, it’s often less painful to continue working. This is why—in the beginning—it is often more important to build the habit of getting started than it is to worry about whether or not you are doing enough.” - James Clear

“There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.” - Zora Neale Hurston

On 8th September 2023 at 2pm I’ll be opening the Swarga stage at the Level 7 Festival with my debut hardware-only live set.

I’ve performed live before but not for a long time and not without a computer so this is new territory for me.

I’ll be putting all I’ve learnt into practice and will be sharing my journey as I prepare over the next 5 months.

I’ll be setting the tone for the weekend and providing a jump off point for a stunning line-up of DJs and bands from Brighton and beyond.

Get your tickert here: Level 7 Festival Tickets

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist (deep/dance/music)

Please don’t assume my genre.

ps share with your creative friends if you find this valuable


MMMM: Being unique, good intentions and the right audience


Week 47 Track 47 of 52 for 2021