MMMM: Getting started, manifesting, reinventing and more playlist action

Things to make you go MMMM on Thursday

by Darien J 

"To inspire and encourage electronic artists to make, manage and market music every day."

Three thoughts for your music and one on mine.

3 for you:

The hardest part of being creative is getting started. It’s very rare that you feel ready.

Journalist Flora Rheta Schreiber explains why you need to get cracking regardless:

"You're never ready for what you have to do. You just do it. That makes you ready."

A belief in manifestating our future may seem like a load of old mumbo jumbo but don’t dismiss the power of positive forethought.

As it states in The Dhammapada, a widely-read collection of Buddhist scriptures:

"What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind."

I am always looking for a new challenge and moving from a place of relative high status to start anew keeps the creative desire burning (managing a music production store in London’s West End - frequented by many famous and successful artists - to come to Brighton and work behind a bar for example).

As Engineer Wei Dai puts it:

"Once you achieve high status, a part of your mind makes you lose interest in the thing that you achieved high status with in the first place. You might feel obligated to maintain an appearance of interest, and defend your position from time to time, but you no longer feel a burning need to know the truth.

One solution that might work (and I think has worked for me, although I didn't consciously choose it) is to periodically start over. Once you've achieved recognition in some area, and no longer have as much interest in it as you used to, go into a different community focused on a different topic, and start over from a low-status (or at least not very high status) position."

1 from me

I shared on my socials this week that there was a second track from my Deep Chimes EP included in the excellent Chris Luno’s Living Room House Spotify playlist (grab your own copy here if you really want to).

Another playlist that deserves a mention though is Feeling That Deep House Vibe - Best of 2021 from DJ Vanwells who included seven (yes, seven!) releases from my One Track A Week challenge.

Mucho respecto.

Feeling That Deep House Vibe - Best of 2021

Including: Birdeye, Future of Money, Thermodynamics, Circle of Competence, Gradually Then Suddenly, What We Do, Default Resistance

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist (deep/dance/music)

Please don’t assume my genre.
Link Tree

ps If you find this valuable share with your creative friends, just copy pasta this link:


MMMM: Success, productivity, 5 rules and what a carry on


MMMM: Taking action, the power of listening, imperfections and banging it out