Mmmm... Stillness, facing forward, minimising and closing loops

Things to make you go Mmmm…

by Darien J 

"To encourage and inspire creativity by sharing more wisdom every week than any electronic artist in the world.”

Three thoughts for your creativity and one on mine.

3 for you:

Be still.

“Stillness is what aims the archer’s arrow. It inspires new ideas. It sharpens perspective and illuminates connections. It slows the ball down so that we might hit it. It generates a vision, helps us resist the passions of the mob, makes space for gratitude and wonder. Stillness allows us to persevere. To succeed. It is the key that unlocks the insights of genius, and allows us regular folks to understand them.” - Ryan Holiday

Switch your mindset.

"Move toward the next thing, not away from the last thing.

Same direction. Completely different energy." - James Clear

Do fewer things.

"Strive to reduce your obligations to the point where you can easily imagine accomplishing them with time to spare. Leverage this reduced load to more fully embrace and advance the small number of projects that matter most." - Cal Newport

1 from me

“Close the loop.

Do you leave browser tabs open so you can come back and finish something off?

Leaving them open inserts a constant reminder in your brain that something is unfinished.

This takes up valuable brain space you could use to focus on the thing you’ve moved onto.

So bookmark it or make a note so you can come back to it later.

Because leaving loops open is a sure fire way to increase stress levels.”

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist (deep/dance/music)

Please don’t assume my genre.

Link Tree

ps I upload a new live DAWless jam every week over on YouTube so head over and subscribe. Would love to get your feedback! 🙏


Mmmm... Inspiration, competition, boredom and bonfires


Mmmm... Playing it safe, getting permission, uncertainty and routines