MMMM: Discomfort, sticking with it, the value of art and a live jam

Things to make you go MMMM on Thursday

by Darien J 

"To inspire and encourage electronic artists to make, manage and market music every day."

Three thoughts on making, managing and marketing your music and one on mine.

3 for you:

Arnold Schwarzenegger on discomfort -

“Fear and comfort stands in the way of many things you think about doing but never try.”

Grant Cardone on sticking with it in his book The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

“The only reason why it didn't work is because you didn't stick with it long enough for the market, your clients, and your competition to finally submit to your efforts.”

Ozan Varol on the value of your art -

“Here’s the thing: Your art enables other people’s art. Your wisdom unlocks other people’s wisdom. Your expansion inspires others to expand. Your voice can change the way that people think and act. But it can’t do any of that if you keep your mouth shut.”

1 from me

I’ve been out of action for a week or so now with the worst Man Flu in history but realised I hadn’t shared my last live jam with you. This was a few weeks ago now but gives you an idea of how I’m transitioning between tracks when jamming. I’m using the two Elektron boxes like DJ decks and keeping one going with the sounds from one track while switching the other to a new one. I’m hoping to introuduce more use of FX and/or l;ooping to make this smoother and more interesting.

'Pamp It' & 'Mini Mal' Dawless Hardware Jam Syntakt, Digitakt, Blackbox, Bluebox, Microfreak & Zoia

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist (deep/dance/music)

Please don’t assume my genre.
Link Tree

ps I have a very special subscriber-only offer of a massive discount on tickets to this year’s Level 7 Festival where I’ll be performing live. Make sure to sign up to the ‘Things To Make You Go MMMM On Thursday’ newsletter here to get it.

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MMMM: Happy work, making things great, how to be a marketer and stream set


MMMM: Saying it again, morning work, marketing in 5 steps and some music