Mmmm... Badness, great ideas, opportunity and focus

Things to make you go Mmmm…

by Darien J 

"To inspire and encourage creativity by sharing more wisdom every week than any electronic artist in the world.”

Three thoughts for your creativity and one on mine.

3 for you:

Be a bad artist.

“… must be willing to be a bad artist. Give yourself permission to be a beginner. By being willing to be a bad artist, you have a chance to be an artist, and perhaps, over time, a very good one.” - Julia Cameron

Where great ideas come from.

"Inspiration is merely the reward for working every day." - Charles Baudelaire

Beware the ideologue and the know-it-all.

“It’s better to be uncomfortably uncertain than comfortably wrong.

And in the uncertainty of life lies the opportunity to create your own future, rather than just guessing it.“ - Ozan Varol

1 from me

“Watch where you’re going.

Not where everyone else is”.

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist (deep/dance/music)

Please don’t assume my genre.
Link Tree

ps was skipping through some old tracks and this timeless gem popped up - What You Want


Mmmm... Going bold, pace setting, picking partners and effort


Mmmm... Abundance, danger, measuring and talent