MMMM: Feeding habits, being orderly, more story telling and gigs

Things to make you go MMMM on Thursday

by Darien J 

"To inspire and encourage electronic artists to make, manage and market music every day."

3 thoughts on making, managing and marketing your music and one on mine.

3 for you:

“There are two wolves and they are always fighting.

One is darkness and despair, the other light and hope.

Which one wins?

The one you feed.” - Cherokee Legend.

"Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work.” - Gustave Flaubert, French novelist.

“People will like the music, but they will love you. You want to be able to tell your story in a way that people can connect with you on a personal level.” - Hunter Scott, Trend PR.

1 from me

It’s Brighton Music Conference week so I’ll be doing the networking thing (not my strong point tbh) for the next two days. If you’re attending make sure to say hi!

Once that’s out of the way I’ll be playing in the Saturday sunshine again at my Min:Animal residency for our 1st Birthday Terrace Party at Oculist. 😎

And on Sunday I’ll be joining a whole heap of Brighton DJs including local legend Evil Tom (of Evil Nine fame) for G3t Loo5e Sundays at Block before rushiong home to start The Social Stream with very special guest Markus Saarlander!

Set times

Min:Animal 1st Birthday Terrace Party at Oculist - Saturday 27th May 6pm

G3t Loo5e Sundays at Block - Sunday 28th May 2.30pm

The Social Stream at - Sunday 28th May 5pm and 8pm

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist (deep/dance/music)

Please don’t assume my genre.
Link Tree

ps I have a very special subscriber-only discount offer of a massive discount on tickets to this year’s Level 7 Festival where I’ll be performing live. Make sure to sign up to the ‘Things To Make You Go MMMM On Thursday’ newsletter here to get it.

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MMMM: Saying it again, morning work, marketing in 5 steps and some music


MMMM: Success without looking, daily habits, cause of failure and live set preview