Mmmm... Detaching, practice, burning and probabilities.
Things to make you go Mmmm…
by Darien J
"To encourage creativity by sharing more inspiration than any electronic artist.”
Three thoughts for your creativity and one on mine.
3 for you:
Let it go.
"By far the dominant reason for not releasing sooner was a reluctance to trade the dream of success for the reality of feedback." - Kent Beck
Always do your best.
"This is something a teacher told me years ago, and he's right:
If you're auditioning for something that you know you're never going to get—or maybe you read the script and didn't even like it, but you still have to go—if you get a chance to act in a room that somebody else has paid rent for, then you're given a free chance to practice your craft. And in that moment, you should act as well as you can.
Because when you leave the room and you have acted as well as you can, there's no way the people who have watched you will forget it." - Philip Seymour Hoffman
Burn the ships.
“Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to burn his ships and cut all sources of retreat. Only by so doing can one be sure of maintaining that state of mind known as a BURNING DESIRE TO WIN, essential to success.” - Napoleon Hill
1 from me
Turn your possibility into a probability.
“Possibilities are exciting but uncertain; they’re what could happen. But if you want real change, turn those possibilities into probabilities.
This means taking actionable steps toward your goals, setting up structures, and building routines that make success likely, not just possible.
When you move from dreaming to doing, you shift from “maybe” to “likely.” With intention and consistency, what once seemed distant becomes part of your reality.
So, take those first steps, keep building, and turn your vision into something probable, something inevitable.“
Until next week
Darien J
Live Electronic Artist
Minimal Techno
ps My latest release What We Do EP is out now on Saturo Sounds. Available to buy at Beatport so stick it in your basket and share it on socials. Your support is always appreciated! 🙏