Mmmm... Mental health, thinking, fast food and time off.

Things to make you go Mmmm…

by Darien J 

"To encourage and inspire creativity by sharing more wisdom every week than any electronic artist in the world.”

Three thoughts for your creativity and one on mine.

3 for you:

The secret to good mental health.

Cognitive health is the sum total of the choices you make for your brain every day.” - Deepak Chopra

Give yourself some time to think.

"Of all the ways you could be spending your precious time and attention, it is very unlikely that you are currently spending it in the optimal way. The only path I know for figuring out a better way to spend your life is to sit and think. You simply have to carve out some time to think carefully about what you're doing, why you're doing it, and what you're really trying to achieve. Nobody stumbles into a well lived life. It has to be cultivated. Reflection and review are critical.” - James Clear

No time for fast food.

Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” - Edward Stanley

1 from me

Schedule time off too.

“Creativity thrives on balance.

We’ve talked about the importance of scheduling time to create, but equally vital is scheduling time off.

Just as your best ideas come when you’re deep in the creative flow, they also emerge when you give yourself space to breathe.

Time away from your craft isn’t wasted; it’s essential. It recharges your mind, sparks fresh perspectives, and prevents burnout.

So, remember, your next great idea might come not from the hours at your desk, but from the moments you step away. Take that time off—your creativity will thank you.”

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist

Minimal Techno

Link Tree

ps I upload a new live DAWless jam every week over on YouTube so head over and subscribe. Would love to get your feedback! 🙏


Mmmm... Ideas, rules, plans and challenges.


Mmmm... Branding, helping, sacrifice and substance