Mmmm... Ideas, rules, plans and challenges.

Things to make you go Mmmm…

by Darien J 

"To encourage creativity by sharing more inspiration than any electronic artist.”

Three thoughts for your creativity and one on mine.

3 for you:

Have some idea babies.

“...ideas, and the world, get stronger when they are shared and allowed to mate and grow children and the idea babies make the world better.” - James Altucher

I don’t make the rules. You do.

“We play in a game with no rules. Just because it worked one way for someone doesn’t mean it’s going to work that way for you. Figure out what’s going to work for you.” - Amy Madrigali

Make a plan.

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.” - Greg Reid

1 from me

Create challenges for yourself and stick to them, no matter who is paying attention.

“Self-imposed challenges are key in your creative journey. They push you out of your comfort zone and drive growth.

Set exciting goals: finish a track every week, try new techniques, or perform live. These challenges are your milestones.

It doesn’t matter who’s watching. The real value is in your commitment to progress. Consistency builds skill, confidence, and resilience.

Focus on your path and trust the process. Each challenge you conquer brings you closer to your potential.

Stay motivated, stay disciplined, and keep creating. Your dedication will pave the way to success.”

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist

Minimal Techno

Link Tree

ps I upload a new live DAWless jam every week over on YouTube so head over and subscribe. Would love to get your feedback! 🙏


Mmmm... Action, value, foolishness and your word.


Mmmm... Mental health, thinking, fast food and time off.