MMMM: Consistency, rest days, your fans and a sunny BBQ

Things to make you go MMMM on Thursday

by Darien J 

"To inspire and encourage electronic artists to Make, Manage and Market Music every day."

Three thoughts for your music and one on mine.

3 for you:

Consistency is key.

"It's not that hard on any given day, but the trick is you can't skip days. Your workouts can be reasonable and still deliver results—if you don't skip days. Your writing sessions can be short and the work will still accumulate—if you don't skip days. As long as you're working, you'll get there.” - James Clear

Almost paradoxically we all need to rest so make sure to schedule in some downtime.

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the blue sky, is by no means a waste of time.” - John Lubbock, in The Use of Life

Without fans there is no audience.

“Building loyal fans is the most important aspect of a music career. The money will follow. For every business decision you make for the rest of your career, ask yourself this question: Is this the best decision for my fans? If you can answer yes every time, then you can never fail.” - Ari Herstand

1 from me

So now the summer has finally begun we can squueze as much fun out of this week as possible. 🤣

There’s no better way to spend this Saturday than in the sun with some awesome music, played by some of Brighton’s best DJs, in a spacious beer garden with a sizzling BBQ.

If you’re in Brighton (or fancy a trip down) then join us at the Martha Gunn from 4pm for my good friends Ale De Maio and Ago De Felice’s Garden Party & BBQ.

Join us as the sun sets for a charming Garden Party in a very characteristic venue at the heart of Brighton.....
Enjoy the beats and indulge in a delicious BBQ and a wide range of drinks, perfect for sharing with friends or making new ones.
2 for 10£ Cocktails all day
Super Special BBQ
Dedicated Caipirinha BAR
All afternoon will be accompanied by chilled Melodic vibes by an amazing Line up of top talented DJs:

Ago De Felice
Darien J
Ale De Maio
Lidia De Luca


Bring your sun glasses and a Smile!! 😎

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist (deep/dance/music)

Please don’t assume my genre.
Link Tree

ps If you find this valuable share with your creative friends, just copy pasta this link:


MMMM: Talent, power of books, do it for love and a cracking stream


MMMM: Create your purpose, beware advice, True Underground and Stream recording