There are people in this world who embrace change

Have an open mind to what may be possible and looking to discover new and extraordinary things

On the other end of the scale are those who are holding on to the past like their lives depend on it

The world is ever changing

Progress is always happening no matter what we do to try and stop it

Fear of what is to come is natural of course

But an attempt to stop it in order to protect traditional out-of-date methodologies and beliefs is never going to win the battle in the long run

We are in a time that is seeing the biggest shift into new ways of doing things that has ever come before us

The recent surge in the Bitcoin price is a real signifier of the changing times

Things are changing so rapidly due the impact of the Covid pandemic that we are being asked to accept the new and extraordinary way in advance of any expected or usual timeframe

The shift in recent years to a more nationalist standpoint has been forced aside by the need for international cooperation and understanding

Centralised systems are failing

Decentralised movements are gaining strength at an exponential rate

If we don’t shift our mindset and take a risk on the future we are at serious risk of being left in the past

Some things are worth holding (or hodling) on to

The past isn’t one of them



Week 8 Track 8 of 52 for 2021


Week 7 Track 7 of 52 for 2021