Things to Make You go Mmmm…

Blog Darien J Blog Darien J


It’s cleaning day today.

That means every Saturday Amy and I spend a couple of hours cleaning the flat.

One of us does the kitchen and bathroom, the other the dusting, hoovering and changes the sheets.

It’s a pretty good system and it is quite enjoyable once you get into it.

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J

Swimming Upstream

Weirdly the older I get the longer term I’m thinking.

I used to look for the easiest option or the quickest to get where I thought I wanted to go.

Now though, if something doesn’t require prolonged and sustained effort then I don’t believe it’s worth pursuing.

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J


By releasing one track a week I hope to get to the point where I can produce music quickly to a standard that is as good as anybody out there.

That means I will be the best at what I do.

Not what anybody else does.

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J


Amy, my partner, loves going for walks.

Doesn’t matter where to as long as it’s long and the weather is nice.

I’m not a massive fan myself.

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J

Unique V Popular

I had a bit of a revelation this morning.

An ‘aha!’ moment if you like.

If you’ve been keeping up with me this year, then you’ll know I’ve been releasing a track every week and have set myself the challenge to continue throughout 2021.

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J

NFTs and Hoarding

There’s a current craze in the crypto world for NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) that has spilled over to the mainstream.

A lot of people think these are a new thing.

Believe it or not, they’ve been around for a few years now.

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J

Forward Motion

What’s set in motion stays in motion apparently.

And forward motion is the theme for today.

Sometimes it can be easy to get things going but to keep them going is a different matter.

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J

Leaders Wanted

A part of my mission in life is to become a leader.

I want to be able to set a good example for all the people that matter to me.

Now that is a lot of people so how can I possibly lead them all?

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J

Travelling and Stimming

I’ve not really travelled that much in my life.

I’ve been to a few countries for holidays and was lucky enough to DJ in a few too.

I travelled to Germany once to DJ in the oldest Techno club in the country and was supported by Stimming playing live.

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J


There’s always an element of fear before starting any creative pursuit.

I’ve talked about how scared I get before writing but it’s not just that.

Making music is also a scary thing to do.

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J


I hate to talk about things that can be deemed a bit woo-woo or hippy-ish.

I’m not that kind of person really but today I meditated and it’s not for the first time.

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J


We approach everything with a little trepidation.

What’s going to happen?

What if it doesn’t work?

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Blog Darien J Blog Darien J

Utter Drivel

I have no idea what to talk about today.

There really is nothing in my brain at all.

I thought after a good night’s sleep I’d be bursting with ideas for things to talk about but nope.

Nothing. Nada. Zip.

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