
It’s cleaning day today.

That means every Saturday Amy and I spend a couple of hours cleaning the flat.

One of us does the kitchen and bathroom, the other the dusting, hoovering and changes the sheets.

It’s a pretty good system and it is quite enjoyable once you get into it.

We both put on headphones and listen to either podcasts or audio books.

It’s a great way to learn and clean.

The feeling of satisfaction you get from cleaning is quite different to anything else.

Instant gratification from seeing something go from one state (dirty) to another (clean) instantly.

Weird I know but I like that.

Quite knackering though.

Especially the hoovering with my back problems but at least it’s only once every other week.

It’s good because you forget how much of a chore the other option is when you don’t have to do the same thing every week.

You kind of forget the issues you have with it.

It’s the same with working out and making music.

If you rotate what you’re working on each time you do it then your memory of what you don’t like about is gone for long enough just to crack on and get it done.



Week 27 Track 27a and 27b of 52 for 2021


Week 26 Track 26 of 52 for 2021