Swimming Upstream

Weirdly the older I get the longer term I’m thinking.

I used to look for the easiest or quickest option to get where I thought I wanted to go.

Now though, if something doesn’t require prolonged and sustained effort then I don’t believe it’s worth pursuing.

Why is that?

Because I failed so many times in the past.

Always thinking that if I just started working on something, get it to a certain point and everything would fall into place.

Often it has been a pursuit that is not directly connected with my dreams.

More a way of funding it.

Or potentially funding it anyway.

This has almost always ended up landing me more in debt.

So, my dreams get pushed further away.

Now things are different.

I am working every day on pursuing those dreams.

No longer looking for alternatives or shadow careers.

Just plunging headfirst into the depths of creativity.

Swimming upstream to join those who have done it before me.



Week 25 Track 25 of 52 for 2021


Week 24 Track 24 of 52 for 2021