MMMM: Happiness, letting go, reframing and best Brighton collab

Things to make you go MMMM on Thursday

by Darien J 

"To inspire and encourage electronic artists to Make, Manage and Market Music every day."

Three thoughts for your music and one on mine.

3 for you:

Don’t sweat the small stuff, enjoy it.

“Happiness doesn’t come from genetics, luck, or chance. Happiness has a lot less to do with circumstances than we think it does. Happiness isn’t the result of some big, out-of-reach event or attainment. Happiness is created by simple, easy things we do every day. And unhappiness is created by not doing those simple, easy, everyday things.” - Jeff Olson

You can’t really enjoy the journey if you keep stopping at every little station to pick up passengers on the way.

"At some point, you will have to learn to let go.

There is an endless list of obligations and expectations, desires and ambitions, and worries and fears that will always be ready to insert themselves between you and the feeling of peace.

If you never learn to let them go, there will never be enough." - James Clear

Reframing your self-belief can make all the difference.

“The path to your future isn’t guarded by gates.

There’s no lock or key—just the mirage of “can’t” and “shouldn’t” waiting to be reimagined by “can” and “will.”” - Ozan Varol

1 from me

Next weekend on Saturday 25th November Brighton’s best party collaboration take over Block for THE G3T deep. SHIFT. I’ll be joining my brother in beats Chema Gonzalez, head honchos of G3T LOO5E Nina Carina and deep. Brunonumerouno for an all day B2B session.

THE G3T deep. SHIFT gang are reassembling for a cosy winter gathering this November. Come and warm your cockles with a drink and a boogie as Darien J, Chema Gonzalez, Brunonumerouno and Nina Carina take you on a b2b journey all day and night.

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist (deep/dance/music)

Please don’t assume my genre.
Link Tree

ps If you find this valuable share with your creative friends, just copy pasta this link:


MMMM: Recipe for success, divergent v convergent, find your tribe and 3 types of people


MMMM: Make crap, with a purpose, focus on one thing and back in the booth