Mmmm... Process, hidden gems, gift giving, talk and techno

Things to make you go Mmmm…

by Darien J 

"To inspire and encourage creativity by sharing more wisdom every week than any electronic artist in the world.”

Three thoughts for your creativity and one on mine.

3 for you:

Forget the result for now and just focus on the process.

"There is no win and no fail. There is only make." - Corita Kent

We all have hidden gems of creativity inside.

“…bringing those treasures to light takes work and faith and focus and courage and hours of devotion, and the clock is ticking, and the world is spinning, and we simply do not have time anymore to think so small.” - Elizabeth Gilbert

Share your gifts.

“I realized that, as a songwriter, the only thing I really do is make jewelry for the inside of other people’s minds.” - Tom Waits

1 from me

On Sunday I had my first guest in the little studio for The Social Sessions. The multi-skilled Nina Carina joined me for a chat about music, creativity, purpose and more followed by some tehno improv (24mins in) and jamming (50mins in). 🔈🎵🎶

Give it a click then like and subscribe while you’re there if you haven’t already. 🙏

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist (deep/dance/music)

Please don’t assume my genre.
Link Tree

ps If you find this valuable share with your creative friends, just copy pasta this link:

pps The Snowball Effect EP now available here -> buy and stream.

I won’t tell if you don’t.


Mmmm... Abundance, danger, measuring and talent


Mmmm... Being yourself, bravery, limitations and Session #3