Mmmm... Being yourself, bravery, limitations and Session #3

Things to make you go Mmmm…

by Darien J 

"To inspire and encourage creativity by sharing more wisdom every week than any electronic artist in the world.”

Three thoughts for your creativity and one on mine.

3 for you:

Be yourself.

“The more people who make it feel safe for you to truly be yourself around them, the more confidence you’ll have to be that person every day.” - Chris Williamson

Be brave.

“…creative living is a path for the brave. We all know this. And we all know that when courage dies, creativity dies with it.” - Elizabeth Gilbert

Don’t fight for your limitations.

“If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. Your capabilities aren’t fixed, and it’s possible to learn anything.” -Jim Kwik

1 from me

This Sunday 10th March we get back in the studio for The Social Sessions.
Joining me for some techno action this month is the hardest working DJ, producer, promoter, poet and vocalist in Brighton Nina Carina.

As usual there’ll be some chat, music making and live jamming.

Join us from 5pm on your streaming platform of choice.

The Social Sessions

2nd Sunday of every month from 5pm UK time

Live studio session hosted by Darien J

Featuring guest creators from Brighton (and those visiting) IRL

Answering questions and general chit chat with you online

Experimental collaboration is the aim

Making unique music is the game

Stop copy & pasting

Start creating

Tune in:

Until next week

Darien J

Electronic Artist (deep/dance/music)

Please don’t assume my genre.
Link Tree

ps If you find this valuable share with your creative friends, just copy pasta this link:

pps The Snowball Effect EP now available here -> buy and stream.

I won’t tell if you don’t.


Mmmm... Process, hidden gems, gift giving, talk and techno


Mmmm... Planning, messing about, moonshot and Workers on Mars