Trust The Process

The thing about a daily creative practice is that you need to do it daily.

That means every day.

Without fail.

It can become quite tedious at times.

Especially when the magic you’re supposed to be creating sounds like nuts and bolts being thrown into a tin can.

It really doesn’t feel like magic most of the time.

Sometimes it does but that’s rare.

But if we waited until we felt like making magic, we’d never make anything.

Or very little anyway.

I intend to keep making a lot.

Most will be terrible but that’s ok.

I’ve been practicing for long enough now to know that it’s not the outcome that counts but the process.

Trust the process and the outcome will be a bonus.

Some will be good.

Some could even be great.

But you must do it all to find the great.

You can’t just turn on the greatness tap and expect it all to flow out beautifully.

That doesn’t happen very often.

It can.

Very occasionally.

Although you’d be surprised how many terrible ideas actually turn out to be great when coming back to them after a decent amount of resting time.

Some of the real ear splittingly annoying ideas have turned out to be the best for me.

The most experimental and therefore most noticeable.

And isn’t it about getting noticed after all?



Week 17 Track 17 of 52 for 2021


Week 16 Track 16 of 52 for 2021