Week 16 Track 16 of 52 for 2021

This week's track is called Legendary

It's a nod towards a certeain 90s rave duo who ares till going strong

No screeching synths

No big room banger

Just a deep atmospheric groove

For the few not the many

You probably won't like it

Only one way to find out

Stream & download from Bandcamp - darienjdj.bandcamp.com/track/legendary

Buy in store - https://www.darienjdj.com/store/legendary

Throughout 2021 I will be self-releasing one track every week - free to fans who subscribe to my newsletter the week before general release - sign up here - darienjdj.com/subscribe

Week 16 Track 16 of 52 for 2021 This week's track is called Legendary It's a nod towards a certeain 90s rave duo who ares till going strong No screeching synths No big room banger Just a deep atmospheric groove For the few not the many You probably won't like it Only one way to find out Stream & download from Bandcamp - darienjdj.bandcamp.com/track/legendary Buy in store - https://www.darienjdj.com/store/legendary Throughout 2021 I will be self-releasing one track every week - free to fans who subscribe to my newsletter the week before general release - sign up here - darienjdj.com/subscribe


Trust The Process


Travelling and Stimming