Things to Make You go Mmmm…
Mmmm... Daily creativity, saying no, the scarcest asset and Snowball Effect
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
MMMM: Your legacy, most valuable asset, creative risks and this month's stream
3 thoughts on making, managing and marketing your music and 1 on mine.
By releasing one track a week I hope to get to the point where I can produce music quickly to a standard that is as good as anybody out there.
That means I will be the best at what I do.
Not what anybody else does.
Trust The Process
The thing about a daily creative practice is that you need to do it daily.
That means every day.
Without fail.
Writing Is Hard
Writing is bloody hard.
Every time I think about it, I get a feeling of utter dread welling up inside of me.