Writing Is Hard

Writing is bloody hard.

Every time I think about it, I get a feeling of utter dread welling up inside of me.

Why is it so hard to sit down and start putting your thoughts down on paper (or screen)?

It takes time to get used to the habit of trying, let alone actually coming-up with anything of any use.

But saying that, if you take a discovery approach to it and just write whatever comes into your head then maybe you’ll come across something that has some value to somebody at some point someday.

 And the more times you do it the more chance there is of it happening.

I’ve taken this approach with my music and my job too.

At 5pm on Friday I’m so grateful I’d written a rough idea already

At 5pm on Friday I’m so grateful I’d written a rough idea already

I work in recruitment and it works in the same way.

The more applicants you have, the more chance you have of finding good ones.

If you only have one applicant, the chances of them being ideal are slim to none (depending on the level of the role of course – there aren’t that many people who could apply to be CEO of Apple for example).

Even if you have one decent candidate, the chance of moulding them to fit the role is incredibly low.

If you have ten candidates, the chances go way up.

So, if I sit down and write something every day.

Just anything really.

Maybe I can find an idea worth moving forward when I go back and read them.

Let’s see, shall we?



Art is Never Finished


Standout Tracks