Things to Make You go Mmmm…
Mmmm... Preparation, influences, followers and distancing.
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Art, beauty, immortality and storytelling
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Disruption, self-discovery, pacing yourself and playing
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Passion, inquisitiveness, appreciation and acceptance.
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Building, creation, depth and making space
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Stretching, temperament, recruiting and collaboration
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Missing out, cold starts, quiet time and balance
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Action, value, foolishness and your word.
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Mental health, thinking, fast food and time off.
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Branding, helping, sacrifice and substance
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Easing up, taking time, clearing the way and zooming out
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... One thing, influencing, nonconformity and prioritising
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Action, reps, thriving and schedules
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Talent, habits, your beliefs and showing up
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Mistakes, finishing, skills and mind the gap
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Inspiration, competition, boredom and bonfires
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.
Mmmm... Stillness, facing forward, minimising and closing loops
3 thoughts for your creativity and 1 on mine.