Things to Make You go Mmmm…
Utter Drivel
I have no idea what to talk about today.
There really is nothing in my brain at all.
I thought after a good night’s sleep I’d be bursting with ideas for things to talk about but nope.
Nothing. Nada. Zip.
Week 11 Track 11 of 52 for 2021
This week's track is called Endgame
It's a question about our approach to sustainability
Week 10 Track 10 of 52 for 2021
This week's track is called What We Do
Because this is mostly what we do
Rejection Proof
Rejection is a funny thing
We make every attempt possible to avoid it because it makes us feel terrible
Week 9 Track 9 of 52 for 2021
This week's track is called Lost Thing
It's about a creature with tentacles
Undiscovered gems from the electronica underground
This week there’s some review action from the team over at
Week 8 Track 8 of 52 for 2021
This week's track is called Don't Be Afraid
It's about creativity and why we need it
Week 7 Track 7 of 52 for 2021
This week's track is called Monkish
It's got some chanting in it that sounds like monks
Dance Music Charts
Another day and another writing session.
Just like creating music, writing is one of those things you just need to do every day
A minimum viable session – for me that’s to open a blank page and start writing whatever comes into my head while I check out new releases on Beatport
Deep Atmospheric Club Music
If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you’ll know that today is pre-release day
Every Thursday in 2021 I am releasing a track and the day after (today) I let the gang have access to stream and download next week’s track
Art is Never Finished
Starting to create something is difficult but finishing it can be even more of a challenge.
Writing Is Hard
Writing is bloody hard.
Every time I think about it, I get a feeling of utter dread welling up inside of me.
Standout Tracks
One of the most difficult things to do is start. Once you do it’s relatively easy to keep going.
Not Fitting In
Back in the late 90s I discovered a record shop in Covent Garden called Plastic Fantastic.